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District 3 1A Boys Pairings Boys District Standings Kim/Branson 6-0 Springfield 5-1 Primero 4-2 La Veta 3-3 South Baca 2-4 Manzanola 1-5 Walsh 0-6 Monday, Feb. 21st South Baca at La Veta to follow the Walsh vs La Veta girls (boys start time around 6:30 pm) Winner plays Kim/Branson Tuesday, Feb. 22nd Manzanola at Primero…
The weekend started off kind of rough with 2 out of 3 of Springfield’s games being postponed due to Covid-19. Originally Springfield was supposed to play games Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Unfortunately their earlier games this week were the ones that got postponed due to Covid. South Baca was also supposed to have 2 games…
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