Category: Stories

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  • Thanks-Giving

        As we come upon the Thanksgiving holiday, and as with everything in the society we are livin’ in, I can hear the distant rumble of controversy. Now I’m not wantin’ to get in the middle of this controversy.  It’s your choice whether you celebrate or not. I will say, we here at Three Feathers choose to…


    In German, a Tannenbaum is a fir tree that is decorated every Christmas season to help celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah to the Jews and Gentiles.   It is also the title of a song translated into English:  “O Christmas tree”.  It was published in 1824 by Ernst Anschutz.  He was…

  •      The pacing of bulbs depends largely on the effect you are trying to achieve. The most effective planting technique is to plant most bulbs in clumps rather than in individual lines. Space bulbs according to color with the softer colors in the front and the more vibrant in the background. Group bulbs according to height…

  • Memories

    Autumn was in the air. A steady northerly breeze could be felt by those who ventured outdoors. Beauty was everywhere to be seen. The trees were arrayed with the many colors of the season: red, yellow, gold and orange. There was one little boy who loved to be out and about that time of year;…

  • “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die…”  How do you invest your God given time during your life on this earth?  Psalm 90:10 “The days of our years are threescore years and ten…”  We all waste…

  •     I was sittin’ in my recliner the other night readin’ the national news. I  came across headlines that read, “The race is on to find another inhabitable planet as the earth looses oxygen.” I told ‘Ole Cheryl to get packed, we want to be on the first bus. Then I read this wasn’t going to happen…

  • November 11th is Veterans Day.  I have known and do know many veterans and love hearing their stories…if I can get them to talk. The past has taught me that many veterans don’t talk much about their military experiences.  I have concluded it is usually for one of two reasons.  Either they don’t want to relive those experiences…

  •      In 1991 an extreme cold front moved through the plains killing elm trees in southeast Colorado, western Kansas, New Mexico and into the panhandle of Texas/Oklahoma. The devastating freeze practically annihilated the Elm. Through the efforts of the Colorado State Forest Service, Springfield and area towns were able to replant trees in their…

  • Area pine trees are now showing signs of fall. The pines lose their needles within the tree. The needles on the exterior part of the branch remains green while the innermost needles begin to brown and will eventually drop to the ground. This is why the mountains can be so flammable. The dried needles create…

  • It certainly wasn’t the 74,384 broomcorn acres Baca County produced in 1949, but Kirk Guder’s 2021 garden brought back a bit of the amazing broomcorn history of Baca  Sometimes it is just fun when you get a note on some of what we have pulled together. Check this comment from BacaCountyHistory dot com. “My family…
