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Thirty Years ~ Thirty Trees
In December of 2017 the Town of Springfield was awarded a $12,000 grant to remove dead trees along the streets of Springfield. Teaming Up For Trees in Southeast Colorado was a 50/50 cost-share match grant. This was and still is a 50/50 cost-share match grant. Each community had up to two years to complete the grant but because of Covid-19 the grant was extended to this fall.
During Part I of the grant, homeowners were compensated 50% of their expense for removing dead trees in the street-right-away along their property. Twenty landowners along with the Springfield Preschool took part in the one-time opportunity to remove a dead tree or two around their property. Tree Removals included the Town of Springfield (3 trees in City Park), Springfield Preschool (1 tree), Alice Homsher ( 1 tree), Tonya Brady (2 trees), Linda Lusk (2), Jill Negrete (3), Bill Hall (1), Jody Westphal (2), Charlotte Martin (2), Sheila Adams (1), Craig McGinnis (1), Mike Stafford (3), Sara Rice (1), Myrna Shelton (3), Reuben Close (1), Trinity Church (2), Leroy Dunsworth (2), Pepper Cook (1), Glena Giles (3), Ralph Rothman (2), Mona Millican (1) and Shirley Hall (1 tree).
The Springfield Tree Board is appreciative of the following arborist who removed trees during extreme heat to meet the grant deadline. Those individuals that stepped in to help finish up the work were Justin Neal, Rolando Garcia, J. A. Woodhouse and Harrison Billings.
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