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We know that harvesting broomcorn was a hard itchy process but at my “Broomcorn Capital” presentation 2 years ago Shorty Miller may have driven the point home when he told us that one broomcorn Johnnie told him, I would rather be in a Tulsa Jail than cutting broomcorn. I haven’t posted much broomcorn info lately…
What is Broomcorn? I have had several conversations about recording local history as we are doing with Bacacountyhistory.com. Anytime the topic of broomcorn has come up with someone not from Baca County there is inevitably the question “What’s that?” Therefore, if any of you reading this are not from Baca County or one of the…
It has been reported that 99% of all American households have at least one broom, and that a broom is vital to everyday living. -Los Angeles Times 1988 Source: (Library of Congress) Think people don’t have strong feelings about the humble broom? A recent review at Amazon.com of an old fashioned broomcorn broom says, I…
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