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The story of Old Boston, Colorado, is one of ambition, boom, and eventual bust, encapsulated in one of the few surviving photographs of the town. This image, showcasing the main street in its heyday, serves as a testament to a once-thriving settlement that briefly became a beacon of hope during the late 19th-century land rush.…
I probably did a better job of keeping everyone up to date on the progress of the Old Boston book in 2018 and I thought the Big Bill Thompson book would come together sooner, but I will say it is close. We have merged the Plainsman Herald website and the Baca County History web sites.…
Many have asked, so here is the background on how the Old Boston story came about in book form. It is a bit lengthy, but again I get asked this a lot so I wrote this down and it will probably become a blog post. My cousin farms and ranches in the area near where…
Sylvester Fowler’s firsthand account, “A Night in Trail City,” published in the Westmoreland Recorder in 1887, vividly depicts the lawless and debauched atmosphere of a boomtown fueled by the Texas cattle trade. The excerpt from Letters From Colorado: 1880-1889 by Kent Brooks provides context, explaining that Fowler’s letter is one of many personal accounts from…
Persons, Stories and Incidents of the early day East Enders. In the 1880s Americans were moving in droves to the Western frontier. Waves of migrants were inspired by the promises of cheap land and riches, Following the completion of the first transcontinental railroad in 1869, the journey west became considerably easier. Towns popped up overnight…
EDITORS NOTE: We have included videos from our good friend Steve Doner’s Youtube Channel. If you like history Subscribe Now. We live in an era where refrigeration allows us to have foods from all over the world. Modern refrigerated trucks and ships bring us foods which are kept in the fridge or freezer for months,…
“The largest herd of cattle I ever saw was in the summer of 1888. It stretched north from the mouth of Leon Creek, 25 miles southwest of the present Clayton for 5 or 6 miles. It was accompanied by 2 crews of 12 men each. Cattle belonging in Southern Colorado and the Cimarron River country…
I have mentioned several times the influence Old Boston, Colorado likely had on the early development of the western movie genre because of the time Al Jennings and the Jennings clan spent there. He doesn’t mention Boston much after their time there, but like everyone else who past through the town, the Jennings left there…
The “Noted Burying Ground” or Boston, Colorado Cemetery shown in the Dec 2018 photo below is all that is left of what was Boston, Colorado of the Southeast Colorado plains. There are two issues that must be clarified as we give you a bit of this story. The Southeast plains reference is important as there…
Many of you are familiar with Judge JDF Jennings who was Vice President of the Boston or Atlantis (Colorado) Town Company from my book “Old Boston: As Wild As They Come.” The Judge aka Judge Jennings aka John D.F. Jennings was a former plantation owner, an attorney, and a physician. He served the Confederacy during…
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