The Farm Bill

2024 Farm Bill Decision webinar is Feb. 8

The Farm Bill

The March 15 deadline for farmers to make their ARC/PLC decisions for the 2024 crop year is fast approaching. In an effort to provide growers with the most up-to-date information needed to make this important decision, CSU Extension and the USDA Farm Service Agency have teamed up to conduct a
Farm Bill Decisions webinar.

The webinar will be held Thursday, Feb. 8th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Topics to be addressed are: 2024 Ag Commodity Ourlook, the payment outlook in 2024 for ARC-CO/PLC for the major program crops in Colorado.

The webinar is free but you must preregister at this web link To get a copy of the registration link, contact Brent Young at

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