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Legal Notices for the Week of Sept 21st 2022
PURSUANT TO §15-12-801, C.R.S..
In the Matter of the Estate of
Maurina Guylene Hartless a/k/a Marina G. Hartless a/k/a
Maurina Hartless
Case Number
All persons having claims against the above-named
estate are required to present them to:
Attorney for Estate
Kimber D. Ratley and Brianna M. Hartless
Mark S. Davis, Esq, Esq.t Reg No. 17778
or to:
District Court of Baca County, Colorado
On or before January 20, 2023
or the claims may be forever
P.O. Box 30; 515 S. 5th Street Room 5
Lamar, Colorado 81052
Phone Number: (719) 336-5335
FAX Number: (719) 336-8237
1st Publ. September 22, 2022.
2nd Publ. September 29, 2022.
3rd Publ. October 6, 2022.
PURSUANT TO §15-12-801, C.R.S..
In the Matter of the Estate of
Elsie Marie Bitner a/k/a Elsie M. Bitner a/k/a Elsie Bitner
Case Number
All persons having claims against the above-named
estate are required to present them to:
Attorney for Applicant,
Starla D. Shore
Mark S. Davis, Esq, Esq. Reg No. 17778
or to:
District Court of Baca County, Colorado
On or before January 20, 2023
or the claims may be forever
P.O. Box 30; 515 S. 5th Street Room 5
Lamar, Colorado 81052
Phone Number: (719) 336-5335
1st Publ. September 22, 2022.
2nd Publ. September 29, 2022.
3rd Publ. October 6, 2022.
PURSUANT TO §15-12-801, C.R.S..
In the Matter of the Estate of
Doug Ray Lasley a/k/a Doug R. Lasley a/k/a Doug Lasley
Case Number
All persons having claims against the above-named
estate are required to present them to:
Attorney for Applicant,
Ted W. Lasley
Mark S. Davis, Esq, Esq. Reg No. 17778
or to:
District Court of Baca County, Colorado
On or before January 20, 2023
or the claims may be forever
Attorney for Applicant, Ted W. Lasley
Mark S. Davis, Esq. Atty. Reg. #: 17778
P.O. Box 30; 515 S. 5th Street Room 5
Lamar, Colorado 81052
Phone Number: (719) 336-5335
1st Publ. September 22, 2022.
2nd Publ. September 29, 2022.
3rd Publ. October 6, 2022.
Baca County Conservation District
Section1. Authority. The Baca County Conservation District (‘District”) is a special purpose district and a body
corporate with those powers of a public corporation which are specifically authorized by, and in compliance with, Section
35-70-101 et seq., Colorado Revised Statutes.
Section 2. Purpose. It is hereby declared that the Bylaws hereinafter set forth will serve a public purpose.
Section 3. Policies of the Board. It shall be the policy of the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) of the District,
consistent with the availability of revenues, personnel and equipment, to use its best efforts to provide administrative and
financial services, as authorized under the Colorado Soil Conservation Act.
Section 4. Board of Supervisors. The number of members on the Board shall be five (5). Supervisors will serve
the specified terms of office and be elected as provided for in Section 35-70-105 and Section 35-70-107 of the Colorado
Soil Conservation Act.
Section 5. Appeals. If the owner of lands within the District desires, he/she may appeal any decision of the Board
to the Colorado State Conservation Board. Procedures for an appeal are outlined in Section 35-70-110 of the Colorado
Soil Conservation Act.
Section 6. Power and Duties of Officers.
a. The president shall preside at all meetings of the District landowners and Board. He/she shall be the executive officer
of the District and shall sign for the District and Board, any contract, agreements, or other papers necessary to conduct the
affairs of the District, when authorized to do so by the Board. He/she will have such other duties and powers as are
customary for executive officers, including casting a vote in the event of a tie.
b. In the absence of the president, the vice-president shall have the authority to perform all the duties of the president.
c. The secretary shall be the custodian of the District seal, all papers, documents, and records of the District and Board.
He/she shall accurately and completely keep minutes of all meetings of the District landowners and Board. These records
shall be available for inspection by any member of the public through the procedures outlined in the Colorado Open
Records Act. He/she shall attest the signature of the president to all contracts, agreements, and other papers necessary to
conduct the affairs of the District, except for the disbursement of funds.
d. The treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the District at all times and is charged with their safekeeping.
He/she shall affix his/her signature to all vouchers, warrants, checks or other instruments for the disbursement of District
funds. He/she shall keep at all times an accurate and complete record of the financial transactions of the District and of all
funds remaining in his/her hands. The treasurer shall be authorized to invest all surplus funds or other available funds of
the District in permitted investments authorized by law. The treasurer will serve as chairperson of the Budget Committee.
Section 7. Financial Administration
Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the District shall commence on January 1 of each year and end on December 31.
b. Budget Committee. There shall be a permanent Budget Committee composed of the treasurer, a member of the Board
appointed by the president and the District manager, which shall be responsible for preparation of the annual budget of the
District and such other matters as may be assigned to it by the president or the Board.
Section 8. Meetings of the Board and Quorum.
a. Regular meetings of the Board shall be held once each month at a location chosen annually at the District’s first
regular meeting of each calendar year. Notice of time and place designated for all regular meetings shall be posted in
accordance with the Colorado’s Open Meeting Law (C.R.S. 24-6-402). The secretary and/or District manager shall notify
each Board member of such meeting in writing, telephone, fax or e-mail, or personal message, not less than twenty-four
(24) hours before the date of such meeting.
b. Special meetings of the Board may be called by any member of the Board by informing the other Board members of
the date, time and place of such special meeting, and the purpose for which it is called upon 24 hours’ prior written notice
to all supervisors.
The presence of a simple majority of members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. A majority of those present shall
decide each issue, except that in any action taken relative to preparing and certifying a budget a majority of the entire
Board shall be necessary to approve such actions.
All official business of the Board shall be conducted at regular or special
meetings. Executive sessions may be called at regular or special meetings, and conducted accordance with the
Colorado Sunshine Act of 1972, C.R.S. 24-6-402 et seq. (“Colorado Open Meetings Laws).
Section 9. Meetings of the Landowners and Quorum.
Annual meetings of the District landowners shall be held at a convenient place at such time and place as determined by the
Board. The secretary and/or District manager shall give notice of such regular or special meetings by a notice published in
a newspaper of general circulation within the District not more than thirty (30) days nor less than ten (10) days in advance
of the meeting. At all regular meetings, the landowners shall receive the report of the officers of the Board and the Board
shall transact such other business as may come before the meeting.
Special meetings of District landowners may be called by the Board when deemed necessary, or by a petition signed by
at least ten (10) District landowners. At any special meeting of the landowners, only matters included in the notice given
shall be considered.
At any regular or special meeting of the District landowners, a majority of those present in person shall prevail and
constitute a quorum.
Notice of the time and place for all meetings of District landowners shall be given in accordance with the applicable
Colorado Open Meetings Law.
Section 10. Voting by Agent. At any meeting of District landowners, a corporation
owning land within the existing District is entitled to vote if such corporation duly authorized an agent to vote in the
election on its behalf. A landowner who is a qualified voter (elector), as defined Section 32-1-103(a) of the Colorado
Revised Statutes, may authorize a family member who is a registered voter and a renter or manager of the land to vote in
an election on their behalf.
Section 11. Qualification of Voters. Any person having an interest may be heard at a special or regular meeting of
District landowners, but only qualified voters, as defined by Section 35-70-104 of the Colorado Soil Conservation Act, or
their authorized agent, shall be permitted to vote.
Section 12. Rules and Order of Business. At all meetings within the District shall be governed by policies and
rules of order that the Board shall establish.
Section 13. Taxation. Taxes or assessments within the District shall be levied in accordance with Section
35-70-109 of the Colorado Soil Conservation Act.
Section 14. Vacancies. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled as provided in Section 35-70-107 of the Colorado
Soil Conservation Act. The Board shall fill vacancies in the offices of president, vice president, and secretary/treasurer.
Section 15. Removal of Supervisors and Officers. Any member of the Board may be removed from office by the
recall procedure outline in Section 32-1-906 and Section 32-1-907 of the Colorado Revised Statutes. Any officer of the
Board may be removed from such office at any time by a majority of all Board members. Any Board member may be
removed from any committee or other appointment by majority vote of the Board. If a member of the Board fails to attend
three consecutive regular meetings of the Board without the Board having entered upon its minutes an approval for an
additional absence or absences; except that such additional absences or absences shall be excused for temporary mental or
physical disability or illness, he/she shall be removed from the Board.
Section 16. Employment of Assistance. If in the opinion of the Board it shall be necessary or in the best interest of
the District to employ a qualified person as district manager, it shall have the power to do so. The employee(s) of the
district shall not be a member of the Board. The Board shall also have the power to employ such legal, technical, or other
assistance as may be necessary to conduct the affairs of the District, but in no event shall the employment of any
assistance authorized in this Section obligate the District beyond the amount of its available funds or reasonable revenue
Section 17. Indemnification of Board Members.
The District shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify any Board member, whether elective or appointive, against any
tort or liability, claim or demand, without limitation, arising out of any alleged act or omission occurring during the
performance of official duty, as more fully define by law. The provisions of the Section shall be supplemental and subject
to and, to the extent of any inconsistency therewith, shall be modified by the provision of the Colorado Governmental
Immunity Act, 24-10-101, et seq., Colorado Revised Statutes.
Section 18. Disclosure of Conflict of Interest. A potential conflict of interest of any Board member shall be
disclosed in accordance with State law, particularly Article 18 of Title 24, Colorado Revised Statutes and Sections
32-1-902(3) and 18-8-308, Colorado Revised Statutes.
Section 19. Amendment of Bylaws. The bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed or additions made in
accordance with the procedure outlined in Section 35-70-109 of the Colorado Soil Conservation Act.
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