PERSONS Stories and Incidents of the Early Day East Enders
Before Baca County became a county in the spring of 1889 it was the eastern end of Las Animas county. As spring is upon us, I thought it might be good to look back at the crop prospects in Southeast Colorado in 1888. The following report comes from the The Daily Sentinel (Garden City, Kansas) · 28 Feb 1888. I have included the towns from what is present day Baca County and the areas surrounding Baca County including Old Bent County. If you want to see where many of these towns were located, check out Boomtown Maps. There were many more Kansas listings, but we have chosen those most relevant to the history of Baca County. If space allows we may present Kansas locations in the future.
Springfield and Vilas were in Old Las Animas County when this was printed.
Troy and Indianapolis were near present day Kim, Colorado. I am still unsure of the location of Alfalfa. If anyone has any clues, let me know.
The following are from Old Bent County which was broken up in the 1889 legislature.
Wilde was just west of Two Buttes mountain in present day Prowers Count. For more on Wilde check out my blog Wilde, Colorado: Colonel York, The Bloody Benders and West Point
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