Names of Springfield Residents of 1889 Disclosed in Letter this Week…


The names of those who lived in Springfield and community back in the year 1889 disclosed in a The Democrat-Herald (Springfield, Colorado) 25 Jan 1935. — clipping from the Springfield Herald, the predecessor to The Democrat-Herald.  This is a reprint of a February 25, 1889 letter written from Springfield, Colorado and reprinted in the 1935 Springfield newspaper describing life in 1889 Springfield.  The names of early day residents is integrated in pun form into the text of the article entitled, “O Pun ion Letter.” I bolded the names to make it a little more readable

Tom Oxenreider, who lived north of Springfield, provided the clipping which had been carefully preserved for many years to the paper. When posted they stated, “We know that old timers will enjoy reading it and newcomers will gain an insight into what appeared in Baca County newspapers at that early date.  The paper then was but one-year-old, having been established in 1887.

1889 Opunion letter from Springfield Colorado Herald

So much has already been written about Springfield, that my weak and pushy efforts in that direction may fail to interest, but having been requested to write a short article, I trust that those who read it may not do so without some profit.

The rapid hardy growth of Springfield is the wonder of the surrounding country.  It is an accepted fact that since the time of Alexander or we might even say since Adam’s day there has not been witnessed so remarkable a growth.  Some doubting Thomas may say, “What are you Garvin us?” but we ask you to the facts.

Although less than a year old, it Greives our neighbors to see what clingers we are, and with good men at the helm and all our armor on.  We still intend to keep Cohenn (going) until Wheeland at the top, and our enemies bray their loudest, they will soon be compelled to Neil and acknowledge our superiority.

We do not rely sole-Lee on our unsurpassed location for success, altho that is one of the most picturesque in southeastern Colorado: For those who have leisure, our surroundings furnish manifold diversions.  They may scale thee Cliff, ford the streams and climb the Knowles, which dot the prairie, or it too industrious for such pastimes, they may find the sawing the Halling of time a profitable occupation/

As a town, we furnish a most pleasing picture to the artistic eye, each building being painted in White, Gray, Brown and various colors, according to the taste of the owner.

Our inhabitants are refined and industrious and peacefully follow their various occupations of Gardner, merchant, Fisher, Carter, Smith’s etc.

Away from the hurrie-bury of city life, we Love and Haight, and are found Eaton and drinkin’ as in other places.  Ours is an agricultural country as the abundant Kropps of last year witness and we expect the field of cane, millet, Korn, oats, wheat etc. this year, to be sill Moore convincing to the skeptical, and we hope also to see an interest taken in agriculture the coming summer as the addition of pansies, sweet Williams etc. will add much to the beauty of our town.

The Cole mine is in operation northeast of town and is in a flourishing state, the supply being abundant and of excellent quality and we have reason to believe that we will soon have a Silver mine in full blast.

We have one thoroughly organized Church, a good school and post office, and our prospects are in every way brilliant and Sparkling.

We have every assurance that in a very few months, one or more rail Rhodes will be running through our town and we urge all who are seeking Homes in the west to visit Springfield, each individual, whether rich or poor, will find Friends, and we would Barr none from entering our midst.  Whether you be a,Walker or equestrian, or Oxenrider, or whatever your mode of conveyance hither, we bid you welcome.

I think I hear querry “Kinn-a-man still secure a claim hear in your town?”  We reply, “You can.”  But come at once or Maybe you will be disappointed.

There has been found none willing to Willis an interest in his claim, notwithstanding the many hardships of the winter just past.

It is not necessary to bring to Bevil to get the corners and lines of your claim, as a claim is not laid out with oblique angles.  You will find efficient locators to aid you in the selection of a suitable claim with not even a Stump to mar its level beauty.

We desire to keep the Kett-lee bling and invite the daughters of the east (Anderson, also) to come and assist us in heaping on the fuel of energy and perseverance.  And, if the fire Burns us, can we not endure a little sMartin for the sake of the reward in store in the near and glorious future?

Then let us lay aside petty jealousies and prejudices, and unite our efforts in the success of our adopted city.



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