Grow SECO, an initiative of Ogallala Commons, wants to invite you to attend the kickoff for the Great Zucchini Roundup on March 26th at the Springfield Fairgrounds indoor venue space, the Minnick Building, from 9am to noon.
The morning event will consist of growing tips, basic processing procedures when it comes time to bring the harvest to the kitchen, ability to enter into a formal and paid producer contracts, and seed distribution! We’ll also be providing a light breakfast and lunch! Please register at this link.
PURPOSE. By starting with Zucchini, a supply chain will be created and stewarded across the Arkansas Valley of SECO to then be received by local schools: Springfield ISD, Vilas School District RE-5, and Campo ISD. Seeds will be distributed to community members, advocates, families, and students, with producers even having the ability to sign purchase agreements to receive payment for their produce. Transportation will be organized for delivery points then to receive, process, and store harvests. All measures will be taken to be in compliance with the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act and to ensure that Zucchini makes farm-to-cafeteria protocol in Health Department certified kitchens, both by the state of Colorado and the USDA. The districts will then be provided with recipes successfully used in other Colorado school districts to hopefully meet all their needs for pasta sauce, muffins, and salad bar toppings! Join us in the growing, distribution, and processing of Zucchini for farm-to-school efforts in SECO!
Look forward to seeing you all there! If you can’t attend, but are interested in growing Zucchini, just let me know at this email and we’d love to have you in the zuc-supply-chain!